

* 7 Days

€ 0.00

  • Multiple Users Support
  • Multiple Agencies Support
  • Driver Rental Support
  • Contracts Creation
  • Addendum Creation
  • Invoice Creation
  • Vehicle Handover Protocol Creation
  • Translation Module
  • Dual-Currency Module
  • Periods / Seasons Module
  • Detailed Reporting and Statistics
  • CRM
  • Vehicle Maintenance Module

* Per month

€ 60.00

*Price is exclusive of VAT

  • Multiple Users Support
  • Multiple Agencies Support
  • Driver Rental Support
  • Contracts Creation
  • Addendum Creation
  • Invoice Creation
  • Vehicle Handover Protocol Creation
  • Translation Module
  • Dual-Currency Module
  • Periods / Seasons Module
  • Detailed Reporting and Statistics
  • CRM
  • Vehicle Maintenance Module